Deploy online VSCode on the server


Carrying a disk around is not na elegant way for coding. The best place to code is not on you personal devices, it should be on the cloud, not only for better preservation but also for the unified computer environment. With a online IDE, you can even code on you Ipad. Such a cool thing!

Install code-server

To have you own onling IDE, you should have a server with full root access(for deploying firewall and nignx). It should not be too expensive to rent a VPS with 2 cores and 30 GB disk.

Go to the repository code-server, then pick the right version. Download to your server.



#extract the files
tar -xzvf code-server-4.10.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
#rename the folder
mv code-server-4.10.1-linux-amd64 code-server 

run the code server

cd code-server

Then use Ctrl+C to stop

vim  ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml
bind-addr:     #choose the port you want, remenber to open it in firewall
auth: password
password:                   #your password
cert: fullchain.pem   # full path of your ssl cert and cert key
cert-key: privkey.pem

Install pm2

install pm2

npm install pm2 -g

Write start script

cd code-server
echo "./bin/code-server" >
pm2 start

use pm2 list to monitor the process

You should be able to access you codeserver at (http://yourIP:port) now.

Deploy Nignx

Create code-server.conf to store the configuration for exposing code-server at your domain:

server {
	listen 80;
	listen [::]:80;

	server_name code-server.your_domain;

	location / {
		proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;
		proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Connection upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding gzip;

Replace code-server.your_domain with your desired domain, then save and close the file.

To make this site configuration active, create a symlink of it:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/code-server.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/code-server.conf

Test the validity of the configuration:

sudo nginx -t

You’ll see the following output:


nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

For the configuration to take effect, restart Nginx:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

TLS certificatre

Now you’ll secure your domain using a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate.

Add the Certbot package repository to your server:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot

Install Certbot and its Nginx plugin:

sudo apt install python-certbot-nginx

Configure ufw to accept encrypted traffic:

sudo ufw allow https

Reload it for the configuration to take effect:

sudo ufw reload

To secure it, install a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate using Certbot.

Request a certificate for your domain with:

sudo certbot --nginx -d code-server.your_domain

Provide an email address for urgent notices, accept the EFF’s Terms of Service, and decide whether to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS.

Qinan Huang (黄祺楠)
Qinan Huang (黄祺楠)
Ph.D. Student At the University of Chicago

My research interests include Molecule Dynamic, Organometallic Chemistry and Machine Learning.